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Developing medical devices and equipment requires extensive knowledge and experience of the field. At NPX, we have put in the time and research to understand what developers, patients, doctors and surgeons need in effective medical devices and equipment. Our medical device research has elevated our product development, allowing our engineers and developers to join your project at any stage. We are propelled by our medical device research to drive rapid prototyping, optimizing and development capabilities. 

To make the most of our partnership for your medical device and equipment, we have dedicated our time to understanding the industry. Backed by our research and medical device manufacturing experience, we are equipped to deliver quality development and mass-production service for any project. 

Dedicated Experience

NPX is fully committed to creating world-class medical devices across an array of disciplines. We’re able to shift our focus to create the most optimal device solution for various projects, depending on their purpose and function. We are intimately familiar with the goals of medical devices, and this end result informs our manufacturing process. Whether we are developing medical equipment for surgery or a device for patient care, we are dedicated to learning and understanding the goals of the device and the industry. 

A comprehensive background in medical device research gives our engineers a deep understanding of what projects need to be successful. We utilize and cross-apply our experiences when approaching each project. With experience in most fields of medical device research and development, we can speak to the needs of patients and doctors across many areas, including: 

  • Cardiovascular
  • Cardiac surgery
  • Gastroenterology
  • Gynecology
  • Interventional radiology
  • Neurovascular
  • Orthopedics
  • Otolaryngology
  • Thoracic surgery
  • Vascular surgery
  • Urology

As we continue to work on projects, we are always educating ourselves and furthering our research to provide expert manufacturing insights at all stages of development. 

Full-Cycle Development

During any part of the manufacturing process, NPX’s engineers and developers can get their hands on a project and move it forward. We have dedicated our time to researching medical device manufacturing needs at all stages of development. From napkin-sketch ideation to final mass production, our team can assist and improve at any point in the process. 

By collaborating with our partners throughout the design-build timeline, we become knowledgeable about the goals of the project and the path to final production. NPX is equipped with a huge array of equipment and processes, so there are few to no barriers in getting the next stage of development underway. We know what it takes because we’ve been there. Our medical device research has given us the background and knowledge necessary for effective full-cycle product development. With a robust set of machines and manufacturing capabilities, we can jump in on your medical device project at any stage and get it moving forward. 


At NPX, we strive to be agile and effective while remaining deliberate and thorough. We have successfully found this middle ground in our rapid prototyping capabilities and extensive research. Our team serves early research and development to get projects moving more quickly. We don’t waste time between iterations. To avoid excessive downtime, we commit to proactive research and constant device optimization. With a prototype in hand more quickly, we are able to discover new ways of improving the device and getting the next iteration to market as soon as possible. 

Our background and experience in medical device manufacturing and research and development help advance projects quickly and efficiently. NPX’s engineers are agile and thorough simultaneously, giving our partners the dedication and speed they deserve. Our proactive approach to research and development, as well as our rapid prototyping capabilities, propels us and our projects forward to final product development quickly and efficiently. 

30 Years of Excellence

We didn’t get here by luck. At NPX, our engineers and developers have dedicated their time and research to produce excellent medical devices for more than 30 years. Our medical device research is made possible by the time and experience we have earned through working with top-tier partners to develop world-class medical devices and equipment. 

From ideation, to rapid prototyping, to mass production, we can work with you and your team to bring your medical device and equipment to market. The engineers at NPX utilize an array of equipment paired with vast experience and research to efficiently produce medical devices in a variety of fields. Work with NPX on your next medical device and see how our subject matter expertise can help advance your project.

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