Medical Device Materials

The materials you choose and ultimately use for your project have a significant influence.

We specialize in the following medical device materials:

Nitinol is an alloy that is made up of mostly Nickel and Titanium.

We take advantage of two primary unique properties with Nitinol, especially with medical devices—shape memory and superelasticity.

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Stainless steel is a group of iron-based alloys containing the chemical element chromium, which prevents the iron from rusting, and also provides heat-resistant properties.

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Platinum Iridium (abbreviated Pt/Ir) is a metal alloy with the chemical stability of platinum and the added hardness of iridium. The most used alloy of platinum iridium is 90% Platinum / 10% Iridium

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Tantalum is very useful when used for a radiopaque marker. The high density of tantalum makes it an ideal fit for visualization under medical imaging equipment.

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Titanium is a biocompatible material, meaning it is not harmful to living tissue and is therefore often favored in medical applications such as orthopedics and dentistry, among others.

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Cobalt-chromium alloys are nonmagnetic Cobalt-based Chromium-Nickel alloys that have excellent corrosion and oxidation resistance.

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