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The process of creating a new medical device often begins with careful planning, including research and development. Medical device research and development is a key first step in the manufacturing process. Whether the project is creating a new device from the ground up or simply optimizing technology for better user experience, engineers rely on R&D to guide them through the process. 

Before any prototypes can be made and any software can be optimized, medical device research and development must take place. These two vital aspects of manufacturing work together to guide engineers and teams to achieve more and get the most of the manufacturing process. Without R&D, teams would be left guessing what aspects should be developed and optimized and what parts should be produced for improved outcomes. 


Medical device research informs partners, collaborators and developers on what products, devices and other equipment can be improved and developed. With robust research prior to beginning a product launch, manufacturing teams can understand what end-goals are desired and how to achieve those goals. Medical device research can consume the lion’s share of corporate costs, but it leads to better end-user experience and results that may not otherwise be possible. 

NPX uses our background in medical device manufacturing in a variety of medical fields to guide our research when starting a medical device project. We cross-apply our expertise in different fields to our research so we can better understand and plan for a successful approach to the development stage. Medical device research does not just include projections and areas of improvement, though those two focal points are important. Research also includes creating plans and finding solutions to achieve our goals. With state-of-the-art technology and processes, we are able to streamline medical device research and development and more quickly get a device to market. 


With research guiding plans for device manufacturing, medical device development can get underway. Development includes ideation, prototyping and testing the products. This iterative process is designed to take what was learned in research and apply it to new projects and medical devices. Developers and engineers use a range of technology and processes to get a product in hand and develop a device that they can then test and improve. The developmental process is one that takes time, and during said time, great strides are made to get the device to market quickly and effectively. 

The engineers at NPX utilize robust strategies and developmental processes to streamline and expedite the prototyping and iteration process. With a working prototype, engineers can test the product and find ways to further improve and optimize it. To create a prototype, NPX uses global resources and state-of-the-art technology. CNC laser cutting and 3D printing are two of the most efficient ways to develop a medical device prototype and begin testing. These processes are fast and create reliable, durable pieces that guide the development and optimization of a medical device. 

How Medical Device Research and Development Work Together

Medical device research and development is a comprehensive process that drives innovation and ensures manufacturers stay ahead of the competition and the market. By investing in robust R&D capabilities, our partners can see how everything works together to form an iterative, optimized process. 

With initial research, we learn where the market currently stands and what users need. Equipped with initial knowledge, our team then can create a plan and discover what equipment and materials we need to achieve that plan and create a product that will stand out among competition. Then, the development process begins. Engineers utilize technology to create medical device prototypes and find ways to improve and optimize the equipment for final production. 

This process often works cyclically. With initial research, we can begin producing. Then with a prototype in hand, our engineers can refer back to the research and further develop improvements to the device. Medical device research and development is iterative by design to drive innovation and improve devices for the best possible patient outcomes.

The R&D Team at NPX Can Help

Medical device manufacturing is an investment. That investment pays off with robust research and development capabilities and efficient, effective manufacturing processes. When your medical device and equipment is designed and created specifically with end-users in mind, then your investment pays dividends and you stand out in the marketplace. 

The medical device manufacturing team at NPX understands the necessity of robust research and development. Before we can create, we must be informed. And once we are informed, we must efficiently create in order to stay ahead of the competition and drive innovation. Our R&D capabilities will streamline your medical device and equipment project to ensure you can achieve more. Contact NPX and partner with our team to find innovative solutions for your project. 

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