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What do you do if you have an idea for a new medical device or instrument, but don’t know how to get it in the hands of caregivers and patients? Selling your idea to a manufacturer or VC group can prove to be beneficial, but you may not receive the full recognition or compensation you deserve. That is why partnering with a medical device consultant is beneficial. Medical device companies exist to move your ideas forward and develop them into large-scale manufacturing projects that find their way into the right hands. 

With a manufacturing partner, you can maintain ownership of your idea and invention, while receiving expert assistance and consulting during your product development and marketing. There are many benefits of hiring a medical device consultant if you find yourself with a great idea for a new instrument or invention.

Full-Spectrum Product Development

The primary benefit of hiring a medical device consultant is to receive tangible assistance with the design, development, prototyping and manufacturing of your invention. A manufacturing partner can work with you at any stage of device development to solve problems and refine the project along the way. Engineering consulting is a key component of medical device manufacturing. With a trusted medical device company near you, the process is made simpler and with the highest quality. 

Creating a medical device or instrument takes years to complete. Each stage of the process requires specialized market expertise and engineering experience to ensure the final product is effective and compliant with federal regulations. Medical device companies have teams of engineers, designers and experts along the way to provide insights and results that lead to a quality product. 

Approval Process Assistance

Once your instrument has gone through various iterations and prototypes, you can send it to the FDA for federal approval. This process takes months to complete. It is a very specific and rigorous process to ensure your medical device or instrument is safe and effective for patients or doctors to use. The FDA approval process can be done on your own, but it can be made easier with the help of a medical device consultant. 

Depending on the class of your device, you will have to file different applications. For the more regulated devices, you may have to undergo testing, including clinical trials. An experienced manufacturing partner can assist you with the filing process — and in some cases, the clinical trial and testing process. In fact, it is common for late-stage prototypes to go through beta testing where users can use and test your instrument for efficacy and safety. Because the FDA approval process can be a difficult one to navigate on your own, consider working with a local medical device consultant who has proven experience getting new products to the market. 

Market Expertise

Finally, manufacturing partners are medical industry experts. Working exclusively within the industry, a medical device consultant can provide insights and expertise for the duration of your project to ensure you are well-informed at all stages. These projects are years-long commitments to all parties involved, and they are seen as serious investments. Because of this, a trusted consultant will keep your best interest in mind, and they will work with you to determine how to create a new medical instrument that will be effective and successful. 

After the creation of your product, many medical device companies will provide recommendations and assistance with marketing and selling your device as well. This is one of the last steps in the project, and it is important that you are equipped to distribute your product on a large scale. A medical device consultant will work with you at all stages of the project to offer industry insights, manufacturing advice and market recommendations.

Turn Your Idea Into Action

Medical device consultants provide expert insights and assistance for new inventions and project innovations. There are many medical device companies in Minnesota and across the country that have assisted entrepreneurs with bringing new medical devices and instruments to market. Finding a trusted manufacturing partner is key to a successful project. 

Invest in yourself and your project, and work with industry experts who have proven experience bringing top-quality technology, devices and instruments to market. NPX’s team of engineers and manufacturers see the value in your ideas, and can help you at every stage of the process. 

Contact us to start your next project. 

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